Community events, on and offline

Community events, on and offline

We've introduced a new service; on and offline community events, supporting both new and experienced mothers, navigating the changes we go through in motherhood, together. There is no age limit, motherhood is an ever expanding experience!


Human Milk was founded to inform every woman, and our communities, about how incredible our milk and bodies are.


We're now complementing this by building the local and global villages we all need in order to reach our own goals, for breastfeeding and beyond. These are spaces to explore what womanhood and motherhood mean to us as individuals, be held when we need support, navigate the small and big changes together, define what we'd like our lives to look like and connect with others going through similar experiences.

We see how many of us struggle through our transition into motherhood. In fact, Charlotte (our Events & Community Director and our online calls facilitator), and Human Milk Founder Claire both do what they do because of what they went through themselves. Find out more and join us on our Community page.


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