Breastfeeding can be hard

Although breastfeeding is ‘natural’ so is giving birth, and most of us expect to get help with that. 

Many of us didn’t grow up around breastfeeding and have lived in a society with historically low breastfeeding rates. We may not even have seen breastfeeding up close until we come to do it ourselves.

Peer supporters, breastfeeding counsellors, helplines, IBCLCs (lactation consultants), trained healthcare professionals as well as our friends and family can all help us to reach our breastfeeding goals.

Sometimes breastfeeding just happens, sometimes it’s more complicated.

Breastfeeding is undermined in many societies, and mothers may lack confidence. Breastfeeding support can help with that too.

See our 'Find Support' page and all the other pages in the "Is This Normal?" section if you're struggling in any way, even if it's "just" with feeling lonely.